Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) in Los Alamitos & Seal Beach, CA

PRP Treatment: Frequently Asked Questions
What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?
PRP, Platelet Rich Plasma, is a non-surgical treatment for healing soft tissue. PRP is a highly concentrated solution of a patient’s own platelets, drawn from a small amount of their blood, that is injected to a site of injury where it may induce the release of growth factors and stimulate rapid healing.
What does PRP mean?
PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma. Plasma is the fluid portion of blood that contains cellular components such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The typical harvest method concentrates the platelets 7-10 times what is normally found in the blood.
What conditions are treated with PRP for the foot and ankle?
Weakened, torn or damaged ligaments and tendons as well as arthritis. Common conditions in the foot and ankle include chronic Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles or Peroneal Tendonitis/Tendinopathy, and Degenerative Arthritis.
How does PRP work to heal?
Growth Factors are released from large quantities of activated platelets at the site of injury. This leads to a reaction that initiates a healing cascade. Growth factors stimulate and promote healing of weakened, torn, or damaged soft tissue such as tendons, ligaments, and joints.
How is PRP treatment administered?
A small amount of the patient’s blood is collected. This sample then goes through a rapid spinning process that separates and concentrates the platelets and other growth factors from the blood. Your doctor will numb the site of injury using local anesthesia and then the PRP concentrate is injected to the injured area. The entire PRP treatment process is usually done in less than 30 minutes.
What can you expect after getting PRP?
For the first 48 hours, swelling and mild discomfort are typical in the injected area. Therefore, all patients are provided with pain medicine to be taken as needed after their PRP injection. By day 3, these symptoms will begin to resolve substantially. The foot and ankle will be kept in a removable walking boot for as long as advised by the doctor, which can be 2-4 weeks.
How many PRP treatments do you need?
One to four treatments are needed depending on the degree of injury and how long the injury has been there. PRP treatments are spaced about every 4-6 weeks.
What are the risks associated with PRP treatment?
PRP uses your body’s own natural properties to treat your injury. Side effects from PRP injections are very uncommon.
How long does it take PRP to “work”?
Most patients notice some improvement around 4-6 weeks after their PRP treatment. Symptom improvement is slow and gradual over 4-6 weeks, with the usual reports of original pain being lessened over time.