Foot Safety at Water Parks

June 29, 2017 • • foot carepediatric foot care

Summertime means fun in the sun! It means playtime for children (and children at heart) outdoors at the beach or perhaps, at the water park! What better way to cool off from the heat of summer, than to make a big splash after zooming through a water slide?

Still, don’t forget that even with the risks at any park, there are additional dangers to be wary about at water parks in particular. The wet environment makes it a prime place for slips and falls to happen. You can suffer a strain or sprain in your muscles tissues in your feet or ankles. Additionally, hygiene can be a problem when so many people are using the same facilities and park areas, bringing whatever dirt or diseases (like warts or fungus) they may be carrying.

The following are some tips for keeping your family’s feet safe at water parks:

What to pack:

  • Sunscreen and a hat to protect your skin from sunburn
  • Water shoes to prevent issues from hot floors and dirty, uneven, rough, and slippery grounds
  • Water to keep hydrated (yes, even at a water park)
  • And of course, a towel and a change of clothes

What to look for when buying water shoes:

  • Make sure that water shoes fit properly. If they are too big, your feet will have to strain to keep stable. The shoes should have some cushioning as your family will be walking around in them all day
  • Unless they are not very worn down, hand-me-downs are not going to be supportive for your children

What to remember:

  • Don’t forget to reapply sunscreen every 1.5-2 hours
  • Walk; don’t run, especially since most of the grounds at a water park will be wet and slippery
  • Don’t be tempted to walk around barefoot – if any rides or areas do not allow water shoes, take them off only in those areas and then put water shoes right back on
  • Before going to the park, make sure everyone’s feet are washed and cleaned
  • After returning, take a bath and make sure to clean feet in case of any contamination from contagious diseases

If you have injuries or suspect an infection from being at the waterpark, it’s best to treat those foot issues right away. Make an appointment at Alamitos-Seal Beach Podiatry Group to get an assessment. One of our board-certified podiatrists, Dr. Douglas H. Richie, Dr. Jeremy L. Cook, Dr. Faye E. Izadi can check your feet at either of our Seal Beach, CA and Los Alamitos, CA offices in Orange County.

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Fill out the form below to reach Alamitos – Seal Beach Podiatry Group, or call Los Alamitos: (562) 203-6151 or Seal Beach: (562) 242-1559 for immediate assistance.

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