Dealing with Flat Foot Pain

July 25, 2017 • • foot conditionsfoot pain

Flat feet can be a genetic condition or one that is acquired as an adult. Most of the time, there’s not much that can be done if it’s passed down as a hereditary trait. For others, some conditions or injuries can lead to fallen arches that make your feet flat. These conditions include: posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD), injury, arthritis, diabetes, and even obesity. Whether it’s a childhood disorder or an adult-acquired condition, some feel pain while others do not.

When Flat Feet Causes Pain

For those who suffer from flat foot pain, it can be a constant issue. A long day of walking or standing can mean a painful end to the day. When flat feet causes you pain, try some of the following to find relief:

Wear the right shoes.

  • The shoes you wear on a daily basis can affect your feet. Those with flat feet need ample arch support so that the rest of the foot does not have to compensate for the foot structure.
  • You may need to get indoor shoes too, since you may need to continue giving your feet support while indoors.
  • Consider getting orthotic inserts to increase arch support in your shoes. Flats and some sandals may lack in proper foot support, but you can buy over-the-counter inserts or get them custom fitted to your feet by our podiatrists.

RICE your feet. No, not the grains in the field. We mean the RICE method: Rest, ice, compression, and elevation are helpful for tired and swollen feet.

Get physical therapy and keep stretching. Both physical therapy and stretching exercises, such as using a band to stretch the tissues along the bottom of the feet, can help relieve pain and prevent further tightness.

Give yourself a foot rub. Slowly rubbing along the bottom of the feet with your thumb can give you much relief. If you are not flexible enough, try using a tennis ball or golf ball and roll it under the foot as a massage.

Lose weight (if applicable). Some folks who are obese can acquire flat feet and have pain. If this is the case, it would be helpful to go on a weight loss program with your doctor.

Concerned that your flat foot pain might be due to something else? Make an appointment at Alamitos-Seal Beach Podiatry Group to have your feet checked and to find the best solution to treat them and reduce risk of their return. One of our board-certified podiatrists, Dr. Douglas H. Richie, Dr. Jeremy L. Cook, Dr. Faye E. Izadi can treat your feet at either of our Seal Beach, CA or Los Alamitos, CA offices in Orange County.

Request an Appointment

Fill out the form below to reach Alamitos – Seal Beach Podiatry Group, or call Los Alamitos: (562) 203-6151 or Seal Beach: (562) 242-1559 for immediate assistance.

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