Heel Pain Treatment in Los Alamitos & Seal Beach, CA

Eradicate Your Heel Pain!
We are proud to be one of the rare practices in the nation to offer all of the following new technologies:
- EPAT® Shock Wave Therapy (Extracorporeal Pulse Activated Technology)
- RFNA (Radiofrequency Nerve Ablation)
- Class IV Laser Therapy
We treat a lot of heel pain or plantar fasciitis in our Alamitos – Seal Beach Podiatry Group offices. Many of the symptoms include pain when you first get up in the morning, burning, numbness, and increased symptoms by the end of the day.
The pain is usually caused by tightening of the plantar fascia ligament located on the bottom of the foot. The plantar fascia ligament supports the arch. When you’re resting, the ligament contracts. As you start to walk, the ligament pulls and may tear slightly, causing pain.
Heel pain can also be brought on by trauma, overexertion, ill-fitting shoes, or poor foot alignment. Proper foot support is one of the most important treatments we recommend. The purpose of foot support is to stop the ligament from tearing, thereby addressing the cause of the problem.
We often prescribe custom orthotics for the best possible foot support. Custom orthotics are inserts that fit into your shoes, which are custom molded specifically to your foot, to correct the faulty foot alignment and bring your foot into a more correct position.
We find that most of our patients respond to conservative treatment with favorable outcomes. When standard conservative care for heel pain fails, we can avoid surgery by offering three new treatments which are unique to our practice: PRP injections, Radiofrequency Nerve Ablation, and Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy.
So, if you’re suffering from heel pain (plantar fasciitis), don’t wait for it to become a chronic problem. Schedule an appointment today, and we’ll get you back to the activities you love in no time.