Can you have a broken foot and still walk on it?

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Pain May Not Necessarily Indicate A Broken Foot

If you have been in an accident or sustained an injury to your foot, you may have a variety of symptoms that make you suspect it’s broken. However, the foot is composed of many components, and injuries can occur without causing a complete inability to walk on it. At Alamitos-Seal Beach Podiatry Group, we can determine the cause of your foot problem and ensure the right treatment for your needs.

A Break or A Sprain?

In some cases, it may not be obvious that you’ve broken your foot. A small stress fracture or a sprain may not prevent you from walking. You may simply have slight pain that decreases after resting it for a day or two. If pain increases or is accompanied by significant swelling, you should always seek medical treatment.

Symptoms of A Broken Foot

If you have a broken foot, you are likely to experience throbbing pain at the time of the incident. The discomfort is likely to increase with movement and walking.  You may have swelling of the foot, bruising of tissue and tenderness over the area. The foot may appear deformed in shape. You may not be able to put weight on the foot to walk. If the foot has an open wound that exposes a bone, it’s likely a fracture that should receive immediate medical attention.

Stress Fractures and Minor Breaks

A stress fracture is a small crack in a bone of the foot that is usually caused by overuse or repetitive activity. Runners often get these injuries. The pain may get worse as you do your normal activities and may be relieved by resting the foot. There may be some swelling or bruising of the tissue. Another problem that can occur is when people break a bone in their toe, which can be painful, but generally doesn’t prevent walking on the foot. These minor breaks heal quickly with immobilizing the toe while it heals.

Ankle Sprain

Sometimes, individuals may sustain severe ankle sprains that may make them feel like they have broken their foot. Sprains can either be mild or severe. A severe sprain can cause instability in the ankle joint.

Foot Sprain

The movement of the foot involves a number of ligaments and muscles, and one of these can sustain a sprain, either very mild or very severe.  Mild sprains may cause localized bruising or swelling. A severe sprain may prevent you from putting your weight on the foot for a day or two.

Contact Alamitos-Seal Beach Podiatry Group For Your Foot Pain

The podiatrists at Alamitos-Seal Beach Podiatry Group have extensive training in foot disorders and combine their years of experience to provide care for their patients in Alamitos, CA, Seal Beach, and surrounding communities. We treat a wide range of foot conditions, to ensure greater comfort and improved function. Call Alamitos-Seal Beach Podiatry today at (562) 430-1084 in Alamitos or (562) 493-2451 in Seal Beach for an appointment to have your foot pain examined and diagnosed for appropriate treatment.